
Click here to register for the Global Virtual Pitch 2024

HealthON Challenge

The world is in a perpetual state of flux, facing unprecedented public health challenges ranging from epidemiological crises to climate-induced vulnerabilities. As technology continues to evolve, it presents an opportunity to develop innovative solutions and novel perspectives to address these pressing global health needs. In this context, the emergence of AI as a transformative force offers immense potential to revolutionize the healthcare landscape. However, to harness its full potential, there is a critical need to cultivate the next generation of AI-health leaders who can drive innovation and serve as catalysts in tackling future health challenges.

The AI-focused PhixAi HealthON Challenge presents an exciting opportunity for young minds to harness their technical prowess in addressing urgent public health issues. Through the HealthON initiative, participants will have the chance to kickstart their entrepreneurial journeys by ideating and prototyping innovative solutions.
This challenge serves as a pioneering platform, inviting participants to explore the dynamic intersection of AI and public health. By tackling these challenges head-on, participants not only stand to make a tangible impact on global well-being but also contribute to the evolution of AI in healthcare.
Designed to foster collaboration across sectors, institutions, and borders, the HealthON Challenge aims to sensitize youth to the critical importance of public health. By cultivating a vibrant community of learners and leaders, the initiative empowers participants to become catalysts for positive change in this vital domain.

This final event will be both virtual and physical, in different time zones allowing participants from around the globe. Join us in London, Bangkok, India, Geneva, Dhaka, and the US, as we embark on this journey towards a healthier future.


Participants are free to submit their entries in any one of the following categories:

1. Presentation of Idea: Participants will present their innovative concepts and strategies for addressing public health challenges using AI solutions.

2.Presentation of Prototype: Participants will showcase their developed prototypes or proof-of-concept solutions that demonstrate the practical implementation of their ideas.

Thematic Areas

1. Societal and Linguistic Adaptation: Use AI solutions to Tailor health communication materials and services to diverse populations, considering societal nuances and linguistic diversity.

2. Behavioral Health Interventions Leverage AI to encourage positive health-related behaviors, such as medication adherence, regular checkups, and monitoring vital signs.

3. Personalized Health Solutions: Personalize health solutions based on individual health records, surveillance data, and user preferences, aiming to offer tailored recommendations for disease prevention, treatment, and financial planning. This includes developing tools for financial planning related to medical treatment and connecting users with affordable healthcare options.

4. Optimizing Resource Allocation: Build efficient systems that connect users with appropriate health resources and services, such as hospitals, clinics, blood banks, etc., tailored to their specific needs and preference using AI.
